WELCOME 💚 I am a Linguist & 💻 Full stack developer. A researcher .

A FullStack Developer & Linguist

I earned my Master D. in Linguistics from the South West University in Bulgaria the markdown files! Finally, you can also write scripts that process the structured data on the site, such as

this one that analyzes metadata in pages about talks to display a map of every location you’ve given a talk.

Getting enchanted from coding

I have passion for languages & coding. I enjoy working with others to produce a better outcome. Facilitating discussions and coordinating different streams of work flow.  I have extensive knowledge of front-end JavaScript and browser APIs as well as significant experience with popular frameworks and libraries like React and Redux. Deep full-stack experience includes Node.js and Express, MongoDB

Site-wide configuration

The main

Create content & metadata

For more info

More info abou me in and my work can be found my blog . The guides theme (which this theme was forked from) might also be helpful.